•· Free Watching No Way To Heaven
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #289836 in DVD
- Released on: 2010-07-21
- Format: PAL
- Running time: 111 minutes
Product Description
THE FIRST DOCUMENTARY ABOUT BREATHARIANISM / LIVING ON LIGHT (includes 2 DVDs)No Way To Heaven" begins on a remote island in Southeast Asia. There, Fritz Joss, a young man from the Swiss mountains has decided to stop eating - once and for all. He plans to find sustenance in pure (sun-)light by applying what is known as the 21 day process". In a manner at once relaxed and almost child-like in its naïvety, Fritz sets off on his endeavour, but the planned conversion to breatharianism" is much more difficult than anticipated.No Way To Heaven" is a film about a spiritual quest. With its hallucinatory images, the film raises questions that transcend those merely concerning a nutrition-less life. For all of its philosophical implications, however, the film never loses sight of life`s quirkier and more comical aspects.Bonus DVD (disc 2) includes interviews with:-Jasmuheen, an Australian esoteric teacher and author, who introduced breatharianism (and the 21-day process) in her best-selling book Living on Light" to Western audiences in the late 90s.-Dr. Michael Werner, a German chemist, anthroposophist and author of "Leben durch Lichtnahrung", himself a breatharian of multiple years.-Prof. Dr. Sudhir Shah, a neurologist and respected scientist at Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad who has conducted several case studies on breatharianism, most notably with Prahlad Jani in 2004 and 2010.-Swami Vivekananda Saraswati, a prominent yogi and teacher of Fritz Joss.-------DER ERSTE FILM ÜBER LICHTNAHRUNG(2 DVDs)Auf einer abgelegenen Insel versucht Fritz Joss, ein junger Schweizer aus dem Berner Oberland, mit Hilfe einer Anleitung, dem so genannten 21-Tage-Prozess, mit essen aufzuhören - für immer. Die geplante Umstellung auf Lichtnahrung" gestaltet sich jedoch zusehends schwieriger, vor allem die ersten 7 Tage die er auch ohne Trinken überleben muss, führen ihn an die Grenzen seines Körpers und Geistes.No Way To Heaven ist ein Film über die Suche. Mit halluzinativen Bildern wird weit mehr als nur die Frage nach einem Leben ohne Essen gestellt. Es geht um unsere Realität als Menschen, wobei der Film bei aller Philosophie den Blick für das Skurrile und Komische nicht verliert.DVD Extras, Interviews mit:Jasmuheen, eine australische Esoterikerin und Autorin, die mit ihrem Erfolgsbuch "Lichtnahrung" (Der 21-Tage Prozess) von 1997 das Thema einem breiten westlichen Publikum zugänglich gemacht hat.Dr. Michael Werner, ein deutscher Chemiker, Anthroposophe und Autor des Buches "Leben durch Lichtnahrung", der sagt, seit mehreren Jahren nichts mehr zu essen und kaum zu trinken.-Prof. Dr. Sudhir Shah-Swami Vivekananda Saraswati, ein bekannter Yogi und Mentor von Fritz Joss.
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Category : Action MovieNo Way to Heaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No Way to Heaven is a 2008 documentary feature about people allegedly living on light (Breatharianism), directed and produced by Swiss filmmakers Janos Tedeschi and ...
No Way To Heaven - Film
No Way To Heaven - THE FIRST FILM ABOUT BREATHARIANISM - begins on a remote island in Southeast Asia. There, Fritz Joss, a young man from the Swiss mountains ...
No Way to Heaven (2008) - IMDb
"No Way To Heaven" begins on a remote island in Southeast Asia. There, Fritz Joss, a young man from the Swiss mountains has decided to stop eating - once and for all ...
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Amazon.com: No Way To Heaven: Janos Tedeschi, Christof Schäfer ...
THE FIRST DOCUMENTARY ABOUT BREATHARIANISM / LIVING ON LIGHT (includes 2 DVDs) No Way To Heaven" begins on a remote island in Southeast Asia. There, Fritz Joss, a ...
Way to Heaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Way to Heaven" is the fourteenth single by Japanese recording artist Aya Ueto. It was released on March 14, 2007. "Way to Heaven" was included on the standard ...
no way to heaven - YouTube
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One half of me is still shaking / The other half is still waiting for little hug / Walk down the water slide / Look in my eyes show me a sigh / So people swimming / I ...
One half of me is still shakin' / The other half is still waitin' for a lover / Walk down the water slide / Look in my eyes, show me a sign / Some people
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Lyrics to "That's No Way To Get To Heaven" song by GUSTER: One half of me is still shaking The other half is still waiting for little hug Walk down the water s...
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•· Streaming Online No Way To Heaven
Description : •· Free Watching No Way To Heaven Product Details Amazon Sales Rank: #289836 in DVD Released on: 2010-07-21 Format: PAL Running time: 11...
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